
All the information in this chart is only approximate and should only be used for an initial choice of the type of materials best suited for the customers’ pumps. The data comes from various highly reliable sources. Despite this, GemmeCotti itself did not carry out the relative tests, and is not responsible for the preciseness of the data. Therefore, GemmeCotti has no responsibility for possible malfunctions or damage of any type caused by the incorrect selection of construction materials and/or of the incorrect choice of pump size if it is not made by GemmeCotti itself after having received all suitable information regarding the application and the characteristics of the pumped liquid.


A= Very good
B= Good
C= Poor, not recommended
D= Very poor, not recommended
1. Good until 22°C (72°F)
2.Good until 48° C (120°F)

Filter the table by chemical or formula

Acetic Acid CH3COOH B C B A B A
Acetic Acid 20% CH3COOH A A A A2 B A
Acetic Acid 60% CH3COOH A B B A D A
Acetic acid, glacial CH3COOH A1 A1 A D D A
Acetone CH3COCH3 A D A A D A
Adblue CO(NH2)2 A A A A C A
Alcohols:Ethyl CH3CH2OH A A A A A A
Alcohols:Isopropyl (CH3)2CHOH A A B A A A
Alcohols:Methyl CH3OH A A A A C A
Alcohols:Propyl C3H7OH A A A A A A
Aluminum Sulfate Al2(SO4)3 A A C A A A
Ammonia, liquid NH3 A D A2 A D A
Chlorine, Anhydrous Liquid Cl2 D A2 D C A A
Chloroform C1 A A D A A
Chromic Acid < 50% H2CrO4 C A D C A A
Copper Chloride CuCl2 A A D A A A
Copper Sulfate > 5% CuSO4 A A A A A A
Detergents A A A2 A A A
Diesel Fuel C A A1 D A A
Ethyl acetate A1 D B B D A
Ferric Chloride FeCl3 A A D A A A
Formaldehyde 100% HCHO A A A A A A
Fuel Oils C A A D A A
Gasoline (high-aromatic) C12H26 D A A D A A
Glucose C6H12O6 A A A A A A
Hydraulic Oil (Petro) A1 A A D A A
Hydrochloric Acid < 33% HCl A2 A D A2 A A
Hydrofluoric Acid 50% HF D A D D A A
Hydrogen Peroxide 10% H2O2 A A B A A A
Hydrogen Peroxide 30% H2O2 B1 A B B A A
Kerosene A B A D A A
Motor oil A2 A A D A1 A
Naphtha A1 A A D A A
Nickel Chloride NiCl2 A A C A A A
Nitric acid < 50% HNO3 D A A1 D A A
Olive oil A A A D A A
Phenol (Carbolic Acid) C6H5OH A2 A2 B B A A
Phosphoric Acid < 40% H3PO4 A A C A A A
Phosphoric Acid > 40% H3PO4 A A D A A A
Photographic developer A - A B A A
Potassium Cyanide KCN A A A A A A
Potassium permanganate KMnO₄ A1 A B A A A
Propyplene Glycol C3H8O2 A A B A A A
Resins A2 - A1 - A A
Salt Brine A A C A A A
Sea Water A A C A A A
Soap Solutions A A A A A A
Sodium Bicarbonate NaHCO3 A A A A A A
Sodium Bisulfite NaHSO3 A A A1 A A A
Sodium Chloride NaCl A A A2 A A A
Sodium Hydroxide (10%) NaOH A C A A C A
Sodium Hydroxide (40%) NaOH A C A A C A
Sodium Hydroxide (50%) NaOH A D A A D A
Sodium Hypochlorite 12,5% NaOCl C A C C A A
Sulfuric Acid (10-75%) H2SO4 A A D C A A
Sulfuric Acid (75-98%) H2SO4 D A C D A A
Toluene (Toluol) C6H5CH3 C A A D A A
Urea CH4N2O A A B A A A
Water, Acid, Mine H2O A A B A A A
Water, Distilled dH2O A A A A A A
Xylene C8H10 D A B D C A
Zinc chloride ZnCl₂ A A B A A A